The Controversy of the @

As you might have noticed, our name starts with an @. When @Assist was a baby cooing in its crib, the idea of helping anyone virtually was a futuristic idea. That @ immediately said "we are the future". Now with the addition of social media's @ and #'s it's been a bit more challenging to say the least.
Where it's been a challenge:
Social Media - oh, social media. However, with our website spelt out like, we figured that's also where we'd go with our social media. A lot of companies with things like a "+ in their name seem to go the same route. As long as we use both names synchronously we thought this would help with both search and marketing. Of course, there's still testing to be done.
Facebook Business Page - Now, Facebook doesn't acknowledge the @ symbol as a valid starting letter so you'll notice our name written as AtAssist there. Thankfully Google doesn't have this restriction.
Google Searches - Though this is one is a half point. Typically folks who manage properties don't know that there is something better out there to make the process easier so it's unusual that they would be searching for our name specifically. Instead, we use a combination of advertising and marketing to help to show potential customers a better way to manage their properties. If someone does search for us specifically, we can be found through our website as well as our plethora of social media profiles.
Where it's been great:
Alphabetical Listings - The @ symbol places us right where we should be in an alphabetical list, right at the top!
Standing out from the crowd - If you've ever seen us at a tradeshow or event, we do tend to stand out with our bright colors and happy mascot, Tom. But additionally, that @ symbol definitely makes us stand out, especially in an industry where everyone typically takes the corporate approach.
Being remembered - A symbol in a company name is a hard thing to forget. We've found that people remember our name much longer because of our @.
We will continue to test our name as time goes by but in the end, whether you call us @Assist or AtAssist, we still have the same awesome services to offer.
Do you have a symbol in your company name? How has it gone for you? Feel free to let us know in the comments below.