5 Ways You Can Make Your Office More Environmentally Friendly

As our society becomes increasingly aware of the immense impact we have on current environmental issues, many companies have made the considerate decision to go green.
Going “green” is when a person or organization decides to make sustainable and environmentally friendly choices going forward.
This movement has caught the attention of big companies such as Walmart, Coca-Cola, and McDonald's as they have all publicly announced their future goals to go green. While ambitious plans such as using 100% renewable energy sources and only using recyclable materials are great, there are smaller steps all businesses can take to help our world and reverse the devastating impacts of climate change.
Regardless of the size of your business, there are plenty of changes you can implement that will drastically benefit the earth.
Additionally, there is another massive perk to going green—according to Forbes, 88% of consumers will be more loyal to a company that supports social or environmental issues. Consumer behaviour analysis has recently shown that shoppers are more aware of the ethical standpoint of a company and are willing to spend a few extra bucks on products made by brands that are known for being environmentally conscious.
With the immense benefit for the environment and your business revenue, going green is definitely a worthwhile investment.
Keep reading for small but mighty steps your company can take that will help the earth and your business thrive!
Encourage Your Team to Recycle and Compost
The term “reduce, reuse, recycle” is ingrained in many brains; however, stats show that not enough action is taken. According to studies conducted by Carnegie Mellon University, The United States generates 21.5 million tons of food waste each year. If this food was properly composted, it would reduce the same amount of greenhouse gas as taking 2 million cars off the road.
Implementing a recycling and composting program can make a huge difference. To ensure it is being done properly, try placing signs above the trash, recycling, and compost bins as this will help guide employees on where they should dispose of their waste.
Your company should also consider establishing a “green team” within your organization. Employees who feel passionate about the environment can volunteer and make helpful suggestions on how to make the office more green!
Encourage Remote Working
Within the past two years, remote working has become a new norm. While some employees prefer the close-knit nature of working in an office, many have realized the beauty of remote work.
From a business standpoint it is great for saving resources from office supplies and improving productivity. From an environmental perspective, remote work is highly beneficial as employees no longer have to commute to work, the office water and electricity consumption goes down, and there is less waste being produced within the building.
Remote work can be a breeze when using a workflow software management tool to keep the team feeling connected. Workflow softwares provides a platform for your whole team to communicate and collaborate on projects.
Utilize Indoor Plants
Placing plants around the office can help provide a comforting and welcoming atmosphere. Plants have also been shown to improve people’s moods, reduce fatigue, and lower stress and anxiety levels. These benefits are great for improving productivity in the workplace, but did you know that placing plants indoors can also help the environment?
That’s right, indoor plants have been shown to boost oxygen levels and remove carbon dioxide and formaldehyde from the air! Encourage your team to bring in a plant and scatter them around the office; just don’t forget to water them!
Reduce Energy Consumption
Save energy sources (and a costly electricity bill) by making conscientious efforts to turn off any equipment that may be using electricity. Turning off the lights and unplugging desktops at the end of the night will contribute towards reducing fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions that are negatively impacting the environment. But beware, devices that are shut down still use energy unless they are completely unplugged.
Another great and easy tip is to arrange your desks and chairs near windows so employees won’t need to use artificial lighting to get their work done during the day!
Go Paperless
Did you know approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the U.S. alone?
This number is huge especially when we consider how technology can easily solve this problem.
Consider going paperless! While this might sound like a daunting task as many companies use paper contracts, invoices, and reports, investing in workflow management software will make going paperless as easy as making your morning cup of coffee.
Some workflow software solutions provide users with the ability to upload all of their documents online. This makes working remotely much easier as your team will be able to access any files they need within the software while also eliminating any need for paper, which contributes to helping the environment.
Some companies may not want to take this action due to fear of losing money; however, according to McKinsey, 59% of businesses that have gone paperless achieved full ROI in less than 12 months; 84% achieved payback in less than 18 months. Additionally, your office area will be neat and tidy as company documents won’t take up space.
Regardless of if you run a small business or a huge corporation, there are small steps we can all take to help our environment, and as a result, your company will inspire others and capture their attention!
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