Is SEO Still Important in 2020?
Your business’s website is absolutely vital to the success of your business in the...
How to Be Mindful As a Pet Owner in a Communal Living Space
As a pet owner, you’re ecstatic you’ve found a rental that allows you to keep your...
Need a Budget? 5 Simple Tips to Help You Get Started
You need a budget. Even if you think you’re doing all right with your money - and...
Do You Know Your Tenants? Here Are 5 Reasons You Should!
Being a landlord isn’t an easy task, and you can’t please everyone. But you can...
How to Clean Your Clothes If You Don’t Have a Washing Machine...
Living in a small space presents its own unique challenges. You have to think about...
6 Kids Who Have Made Impressive Tech Innovations
Kids are seriously impressive with their ability to come up with creative, non-traditional...
10 Ways to Bring the Outdoors Inside
Warmer weather’s here, but that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone’s spending more...
Starting a New Business? 5 Reasons Why You Need Toki
You’ve done the research and work, and you’ve decided you’re finally ready to launch...
Unique Ways Technology Is Helping the Outdoors
It’s no secret that the environment is in trouble due to climate change. Rising...
7 Ways to Be More Present During Video Meetings
With more people working remotely, more meetings are being held online. From weekly...
7 Reasons You Should Do Your Monthly Bookkeeping Even If...
Bookkeeping is one of the essential tasks to running any business. You have to be...
12 Plants That Can Help Clean Your Indoor Air
It’s a well-accepted fact that outdoor air, especially in the city, can be incredibly...
8 Ways Technology Is Changing the Shopping Experience
Shopping has evolved rapidly over the last few decades, with the shopping experience...
8 Reasons Landlords Must Communicate Effectively with Their...
Being a good landlord isn’t the easy, hands-off job many people on the outside think...
Stressed? 6 Gadgets to Help You Relax at Home
With looming deadlines, clients calling at the most inopportune times with requests,...
5 Benefits of Filing Business Your Taxes Early
No one really enjoys filing their annual tax returns. The mixture of gathering months’...